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Profit, Loss & Discount

Diterminers Exercises

  Diterminers   Exercise 1 ' What I say',  said Trevor . (a)  _____________   old man you saw today in the studio was Baron Hausberg. He is (b)  ___________________ great friend of mine, buys all the pictures and  (c)  ______________  sort of things, and, gave me (d)  ___________  commission a month ago to paint him as (e)   ______________ Begger. "Baron Hausberg!" cried Hughie. 'Good heavens! I gave him a sovereign!' and he sank into (f)  ___________arm chair looking a picture of disamy. Options (a) 1. A         2. An         3. The        4. One (b) 1. a         2. an          3. the         4. some (c) 1. one    2. the          3. that        4. any (d) 1. a         2. an         3. the         4. X Ie) 1. a         2. the         3. an         4. some (f) 1. a         2. an         2. the         4. this